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Monday, April 29, 2024

MergeIT2 Image Merge Extension

Would you like include signatures at the bottom of your letters?

The MergeIT2 image Merge Extension allows images to be merged in templates.  For example, If the Housing Officer is "John Smith" then John Smith's signature can be added directly to the merged letter.  The interface can also embed other images such as property details and scanned certificates.


Benefits of the Image Merge Extension:

  • Quick to implement

  • Makes letter look more personalised

  • Documents do not need to be physically printed or scanned to be signed.

  • Images / signatures can be selected based on letter data fields such as Issuing Officer.

  • Images can be taken from a folder

  • Images can be downloaded from a web page

  • Supports JPG and PNG.  Support for EPS and SVG depending on the version of Word installed

Image Merge FAQ

How much customer effort is required to implement the Image Merge extension?

Customers must decide how images (signatures) are to appear, and on which documents. For signatures, electronic signatures must be produced. Picksoft will work remotely to provide the initial configuration and the documentation for customers to modify the configuration in the future.

How long does the implementation take?

You go at your own pace. It should be possible to implement within a few days.

How do I get pricing information for the Image Merge Extension?

Please contact your Orchard Account Manager for pricing information and ordering.

How to find out more.

For further information please get in touch, our contact details can be found here.